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Jan 30, 2024

Localization support released
Today, we are thrilled to announce a major milestone for the Uniform Visual Workspace: the eagerly anticipated arrival of localization support!
With our new localization features, you can now:
  • Manage as many locales as your project needs
  • Define localizable parameters for components and content types
  • Seamlessly translate compositions and entries across multiple locales
  • Adapt your compositions to market-specific needs with structural localization
  • Utilize the innovative "Locale" project map node for locale-aware routing and linking
  • Fetch localized content and data effortlessly from third-party systems with integrations supporting Contentful, Contentstack, Sitecore,, Commercetools, and more to come!
  • Locale mapping for integrated data sources
Check out the Localization documentation to get started.

Product update

Dec 8, 2023

CMS integration improvements
CMS integration improvements
Our CMS integrations continue getting some investment from the product team. Based on our customer feedback, we shipped multiple improvements for our most popular CMS integrations:
  1. Contentful: the ability to fetch content a lot more efficiently and support for Dynamic Pages.
  2. Contentstack integration now supports dynamic pages and numerous UX improvements.
  3. The new version of our integration features the ability to source any content from your instance without writing a single line of code!
  4. Sitecore integration improvements: the ability to select items by path & localization support.
Explore all our CMS integrations here.

Product update

Dec 6, 2023

Revamped component highlighter
Component highlighter has been re-worked to be more capable and now works on both parameter and component level. You are now able to do more with the highlighter - create personalizations and A/B tests, navigate the hierarchy of your page and rely a lot less on the left-side structure panel. The highlighter selection is synced with the property panel, making it easier to see what you are editing in context.

Product update

Nov 23, 2023

New class of integrations for generative AI capabilities
This capability brings the best in class generative AI services right into your visual workspace and creating and optimizing prompts in your project. First set of integrations include OpenAI, Writer and OctoAI Stable Diffusion. Customers can easily bring any custom model or service using new Mesh extensions.
Learn more about how this technology helps marketers scale experience creation from Adam Conn here.
You can learn more about generative AI integration in our documentation here.

Product update

Nov 22, 2023

Composable Asset Library in General Availability
With this capability, Uniform makes it one step easier for digital teams to embrace and fast-track the journey to composable digital experience architectures. Uploading and managing image assets in a Uniform visual workspace without installing or configuring an integration is now possible. On top of that, Uniform Mesh now features a new class of DAM integrations, allowing it to surface external assets natively within the Uniform Asset Library.
Current DAM support includes Cloudinary and Scaleflex FileRobot, and more integrations are coming soon.
Learn more about Asset Library here.

Product update

Nov 15, 2023

Blocks are here!
Blocks are here!
Blocks further expands Uniform's experience modeling options and are represented in both - a new parameter type on components and a new field type on entries, allowing repeatable data or content structures to be managed on compositions or entries. Bocks are created using the new Block parameter type when creating a new content type. Like components, blocks are stored within an entry or component instance on a composition and are not individually addressable via UI or API.
Learn more about blocks here.

Product update

Nov 14, 2023

General Availability of the new Next.js SDK with App Router support
Next.js 14 is out, and App Router is now a default way of building new Next.js web apps and websites. Keeping up with the innovations in this hyper-active space, today we released our new SDK for Next.js apps with support for App Router and React Server components. This SDK has been in preview for the last couple of months, and we already have customers in production using it.
You can learn more about this new SDK in our blog post here.

Product update

Oct 22, 2023

Component Starter Kit - new release
Component Starter Kit - new release
Component Starter Kit has been a hit with Uniform customers and partners since its original release earlier this year. This open-source foundation for modern web projects based on React, Next.js, TailwindCSS, and Typescript got even better with this update.
New components:
  1. New Featured variant for Card Blocks component
  2. New video variant for Hero component
Besides this, animation control on Hero, Gallery, Card, and other key components, pattern visual editing enabled, header improvement, and many other exciting improvements.
To start with Component Starter Kit, check out the repo, the tutorial, and the demo.


Oct 13, 2023

Custom roles and permissions
Healthy boundaries are important for any relationship - and Uniform is no different! That’s why we’ve added custom roles and permissions to Canvas and Context, letting you control who can read, create, edit and publish in your Uniform project, as well as technical and integration settings. These permissions can be created at the level of a composition type, giving you truly granular control over who can do what - avoiding accidents and letting teams focus on what matters to them. To learn more about how to create roles you can check ourdocs or watch our Product Manager William walk you through it.
Custom roles are now free for all paying customers and partners on new projects.

Product update

Sep 18, 2023

Visual editing for patterns
Patterns represent a crucial part of visual workspace. Patterns are the pre-configured components with default settings and be pre-connected to content sources. With this product update, patterns became a lot more powerful, and now visually editable!